So you might have noticed that I’ve been unusually silent for the past month. I wish I could say that there’s been some significant reason for this. That I’m about to release a new version of my website. Or that some other highly productive project is coming to a close, but sadly, I have no such excuse. The end of my second term in the Certificate of Technical Writing and Editing, followed by a nice two-week break just left me burnt out.
Well, that’s over now and I’m back and ready to get on with my blogging! To launch my renewed enthusiasm, I am beginning a new series that will go… well it will go as long as it goes.
A little over two years ago, I took on a new role at work in which I quickly found myself buried. I was overwhelmed everyday, and I simply couldn’t keep track of everything coming across my desk. I knew that I needed to do something or end up going insane. As I trolled the web for a better pathway to personal organization, I came across David Allen and his book, Getting Things Done. This book offered a paradigm for dealing with all of the pieces of information that life throws at you every day.
Like many who talk about personal organization and time management, he saw a world that was growing profusely more busy and workers that were growing more and more stressed. Despite the strides we make, we seem to work more and relax less. His vision for writing Getting Things Done was to give people a way of thinking that would allow them to juggle many things without being buried by them.
I instantly fell in love with this paradigm. I read his book cover to cover and then created my own GTD-inpsired system that day. A couple of months later, I realized I had completely misunderstood what David Allen had been saying, and realizing how overly complicated my system was, recreated it. I discovered the limitations of the software I had been using to help me, so I switched to a different system and moved all my content there. I realized that system wasn’t working out the way I was using it, and found myself switching again. In all of my journey, I have learned many things, and with two years of experience, have decided it’s time to share what I’ve learned with others.
So, as I get back into the swing of blogging, keep an eye out for my GTD Reviews for tips, lessons I’ve learned, and tools I’ve found in my quest for personal organization and productivity.