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Professional Portfolio

Category: Technology

This post originally appeared on the Content Equals Money blog. It has been edited for this audience.   If you want to have the organization of a company-wide calendar, but don’t want to take the time to set it up or spend the money to have someone else do it, Google Calendar is a great, free solution. 1. Invitations and Sharing Google Calendar opens the door to collaborative planning by allowing users to share events and even entire calendars with others both within their organization and outside. Each event allows you to invite participants (both internal and external to Google) to…

With the rise of powerful and flexible WYSIWYG web editors, you might ask the value of knowing HTML. Perhaps not, but we’ve all had the experience in Microsoft Word where a table just wouldn’t do what you wanted it to, or for the life of you, you couldn’t fix an odd page break. It was to my great dismay that Word eliminated the code revealing feature that would show you all the hidden formatting codes that were impacting your document. When something strange is happening, the best way to resolve it without starting over from scratch is to jump into the code. So, as a service to all those who know little to nothing about HTML, I’m going to give a framework for the basics of how HTML works and give you some resources to get you started learning this easy to navigate programming language.

In today’s article, I want to explore some of the things you should and should not do when building and designing your web portfolio. The best way to get ideas for how to build your own web portfolio and what techniques will be effective is by looking at other’s sites and experimenting with their techniques in your own design. Eventually, over time, you will develop your own style and learn what design you like and what design turns you away.

If you’re like me, after using a theme for a while, you’re going to find a font you don’t like or that the spacing between a header and the text is not quite right. People like us, we’re nitpickers. We want things to be just right, and we obsess over it until it is. Okay, maybe I’m giving a little bit too much away about myself, but if you’re the kind of person that feels comfortable, and perhaps even compelled to dig into the guts of things to understand how they work or to bend them to your will, this is the article for you. I’m going to talk to you about modifying themes, adding custom code, and even a little about creating your own WordPress themes.

Last week, I shared with you some tips on getting started with building your own Web Portfolio using WordPress. I mentioned during that article that there were many different themes and plugins to give your portfolio that added flare. This week, I’m going to go into more depth about the possibilities of extending WordPress.

Building a web portfolio can be an overwhelming experience, even for a technologically savvy user. Luckily for you, we are quickly approaching a golden age of web development. Every day there are more and more tools being created to take web development to the level of word processors and page layout software. Web development is no longer the sole demain of web developers. There are many solutions out there for those looking to build a web portfolio that is robust and easy to manage. WordPress is perhaps one of the fastest growing and best at balancing sophistication and usability.

I consider myself a layman’s web designer. I have skills and the ability to learn the tools to do more complex, code-based web design, but also enjoy the simplicity of a good GUI interface that allows designers to focus more on the design and less on the code.

That bridge of experiences and interests led to my breakdown of web development tools into three main categories: highly structured “what you see is what you get” (WSYWIG) tools, flexible WSYWIG tools with access to coding, and full coding tools. I’d like to talk about each of these categories and how you can use them to build your own web portfolio.

Two weeks from this Saturday, I’m going to be delivering a workshop on web portfolio development to my classmates in the Technical Writing and Editing certificate program that I have been work on for the past nine months. In preparation for that workshop, I’m going to be ramping up my blog article releases. For the next couple of weeks, you’ll be seeing blogs from me every day or every couple days. My goal is to develop enough resources to help with the workshop so that learners of very different experience levels can all get something out of the day.