Web Portfolio Workshop
After completing my Technical Writing and Editing (TWE) certificate at the University of Washington, I offered a free web portfolio workshop to my colleagues. The workshop was part of a resume and portfolio day. I offered that same workshop to the next class of TWE students and from their have continued to refine it. In the workshop, I cover technology needed to create the portfolio, tips for what content to add, and strategies for design.
Web Portfolio Workshop Objectives
The objectives are threefold. Participants will walk away with:
- A working portfolio
- A plan for how to develop an online presence
- A strategy for marketing yourself
M primary goal of this workshop is for participants to leave with a live web portfolio. Those who came ready create a free WordPress site to start their portfolio. Depending on the length of the workshop, the second half can be opened to individual work time. Learners can use the Portfolio Task List to work independently as I walk around helping folks one-on-one.
Additionally, I wrote a series of blog posts leading up to the first web portfolio workshop in order to flip the classroom and allow students to learn independently. These posts were also a powerful resource for students to return to after the workshop, in case they forgot something. They included instructional videos like above, and offered a thorough look at getting your web portfolio set up. Eventually they turned into a single online resource, and now are available as an asynchronous online at Learn with Jon, my Moodle site that offers free learning opportunities.